Conversion rate
The conversion rate is referred to as the ratio of users who have completed specific actions (defined by specific goals) during their visit to the website to all sessions within the website. The ratio takes on a percentage value, which can vary significantly between industries.
For this reason, a better choice seems to be to analyse conversions not in absolute terms, but taking into account the performance of the competition or previous experience of the subject matter. At the same time, the indicator is one of the basic, measurable indications of the effectiveness of a marketing campaign.
To increase the conversion rate, you can opt for measures such as:
- matching keywords to those that actually describe the service in question;
- targeting specific groups or even specific users (in the case of paid activities;
- optimising the site in terms of UX(User Experience – usability and functional quality) and UI(User Interface – primarily the appearance, structure and layout of individual elements);
- implementation ofcall-to-action elements;
- changing the pricing policy – in the case of e-commerce activities.
Sometimes an increase in the index is a matter of a few clicks, while in many cases it turns out that the portal requires a major overhaul.
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