Social Ads
Social Ads are professional advertisements on various social networking websites, among which we can distinguish ads on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. SEOgroup is able to create an outstanding advertising campaign on each of these platforms, using the vast knowledge of real ninjas 忍者 of Social Media and perceiving contemporary social trends in a way as fresh as white cherry blossoms. In today’s marketing world, advertisements seen by thousands of active users are a real dream. It is not without reason that so many brands try to fulfill this dream and invest their financial resources in Social Ads.
Facebook remains an undisputed favorite in the context of advertising. Its impressive number of active users is the largest among the social media channels listed above. There are multiple forms of ads on Facebook, among which we can find both sponsored posts and banners directing to your online shops. The strength of Facebook lies in a large variety of its users. However, adequate targeting enables you to reach those for whom you care the most.
In the context of a platform based on photos and videos, Instagram is worth mentioning. The majority of its users are young people, which is why advertising on Instagram should be adjusted to the language and interests of people from this age group. When it comes to Instagram, it is also worth focusing on age and location targeting. Your ad can appear on the news homepage or among InstaStories!
Twitter is a platform enjoying the greatest popularity overseas, but it does not mean that it is not worth advertising. However, the entire strategy should be rooted in well-considered assumptions and the target, which ought to be determined by gender, interests, age, and location. It should be remembered that Twitter is used by very aware users. For instance, there are accounts of politicians, athletes, journalists and professionals in different fields, which can be well observed in Poland. Joining this group causes you to acquire a serious and elite image.
LinkedIn is a business portal. In this respect, our offer regarding the organisation of advertising campaigns will be mainly related to business issues as this is the very nature of this platform. Advertisements on LinkedIn serve as publications, sponsored entries or precisely targeted sponsored messages.
Today, the strength of social media is so immense that it would be a true harakiri 切腹 if one did not use them. SEOgroup will prepare special Social Ads campaigns for you, thanks to which you will reach thousands of new recipients who can become your Customers!