From the very beginning, SEO activities were based on the positioning of several keywords selected for the Customer – reaching users at every stage of the purchasing process, going through the entire customer journey path – and premium Content Marketing publications. Thanks to them, we managed to achieve an increase in the average position of keywords, which translates into an overall increase in the visibility of the website by 667% in the search network (taking into account the number of keywords that were included in the TOP10 search results according to Senuto). Moreover, we achieved a 67% increase in organic traffic.
Undoubtedly, an important pillar of cooperation, enhancing the effects of our activities, are on-line talks held every 2 weeks – the so-called Digital Catch-up. Thanks to them, both parties have the opportunity to discuss current issues, summarize the results, and if necessary, quickly react to any emerging problems or possible doubts. As in any partnership, also on the business level, maintaining constant contact and communicating mutual needs are integral parts of success, and thus – it triggers the willingness to continue the “partnership” and reaching for more and providing additional value. It is particularly important in running a long-distance business, and this is exactly what we deal with in this case under discussion – as the title itself indicates.
By the way, it is worth find out “What’s up?” and “What’s the weather like?” in the Netherlands or Portugal (as well as in Poland) – i.e. in the locations of people involved in the project :)