CPL, or Cost Per Lead, is the cost an advertiser incurs in acquiring a lead, i.e. getting a potential customer to leave their contact details. In reality, the value of such an action can be both small and great, and the cost itself can depend on: the brand, the industry, how the contact is communicated or even the size of the potential audience.

Obtaining a lead can be the same as filling in a form, signing up for a newsletter or leaving your contact details. In CPL billing, a cost is only possible if the data is correctly acquired. The choice between a particular model – e.g. CPL, CPC, CPM, CPA – should be based on the objectives of the advertising campaign.

Why is CPL important for marketing on Google?

CPL is very important in marketing on Google because it allows you to estimate the cost to your company of acquiring new potential customers. This allows you to control your budget and choose the right keywords and advertising campaigns that will yield the best results in terms of the highest number of leads at the lowest possible cost.

How does CPL for marketing on Google work?

To calculate the CPL in marketing on Google, you first need to determine the cost per click on an advertising link. Then determine how many people clicked on the ad and were redirected to the website, and how many of them filled in the contact form.

For example, if the cost per click is £1 and a total of 100 people clicked on the ad, the cost is £100. If 20 of these 100 people filled in the form, the CPL is 5 zł (100 zł / 20 leads). This means that the company pays PLN 5 for acquiring one potential customer.

How do I lower the CPL in Google marketing?

In order to lower the CPL in marketing on Google, it is necessary to carefully monitor the results of advertising campaigns and test different keywords and advertising strategies. It is also important to tailor the website to the expectations of potential customers, which will increase the number of contact forms filled in.

Another way to reduce CPL is to use the remarketing function, which allows you to re-target people who have already taken an interest in your company’s offer. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaign and increase the number of leads while reducing the cost of acquiring each lead.

Another way to reduce the CPL is also to precisely define the target group of the ad and use appropriate keywords. The more precisely we define the target group of the ad, the greater the chance of reaching potential customers who are interested in our offer and are more likely to fill in the contact form.


CPL (Cost Per Lead) is a key concept in marketing on Google that allows you to estimate the cost of acquiring new potential customers. To calculate the CPL, the cost per click on an advertising link and the number of contact forms filled in must be taken into account. Reducing the CPL can be achieved by carefully monitoring the performance of advertising campaigns, testing different advertising strategies and keywords and using remarketing functions. It is also worth adapting the website to the expectations of potential customers and defining the target group of the advertisement precisely. In this way, you can increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaign and achieve as many leads as possible while reducing costs.

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